Building Bridges of Understanding

Strengthening the Israel-US Bond Through Education

We educate people around the world about Israel

We stand up to misinformation, hate and antisemitis

See for yourself: we bring people to visit Israel

We empower a network of Israeli-American activities


We Walk Together is a group of patriotic Israelis and Americans who share a strong bond rooted in tourism and Zionist education. Recognizing the importance of our connection and the challenges it faces, we dedicate ourselves to nurturing it through education, missions, seminars, engaging with community leaders, spreading truth, and fostering cultural exchange. Our mission is to protect the unique relationship between our nations, especially in the face of growing challenges to Zionism and traditional values in America.



Seminars and Workshops

Hosting informative seminars and workshops that delve into the nuances of Israel-U.S. relations, history, and culture, fostering deeper understanding.


Cultural Exchanges

Facilitating cultural immersion experiences where individuals from Israel and the United States can engage with and appreciate each other's customs and traditions, building mutual respect.


Welcome to 'We Walk Together', an organization deeply committed to creating meaningful connections across nations and cultures.


Leader Dialogues

Creating a platform for meaningful dialogues among influential community leaders in both nations, fostering connections and cross-cultural learning.


Educational missions

Coordinating eye-opening educational missions and tours in Israel to provide firsthand experiences of its culture and the realities of life there, strengthening bonds.


Information sharing

Ensuring reliable information dissemination about current events and historical contexts in both countries, promoting informed perspectives.


Online Outreach

Utilizing the power of social media to reach a broader audience with educational content, updates, and engaging discussions on important topics related to Israel and the U.S.


At We Walk Together (WWT), our vision is a world where individuals from Israel and the United States, spanning diverse backgrounds and perspectives, unite in a spirit of friendship, trust, and collaboration. We aspire to see a global community where unity transcends divisions, where mutual understanding fosters harmonious international relations, and where cultural richness is celebrated. Our mission is to forge enduring connections that go beyond borders, paving the way for a future where nations cooperate, driven by empathy, education, and a shared commitment to global harmony, peace, and progress. Together, we envision a brighter world where WWT serves as a beacon of unity, bridging gaps and building bonds that strengthen the foundations of our shared humanity.


Welcome to the "We Walk Together" blog, where we publish insightful articles to expand your knowledge about Israel's history, culture, and current affairs. Our dedicated team of experts provides valuable insights into Israel's diverse aspects, fostering understanding and empathy. Explore our articles to deepen your connection with this vibrant nation, as we continue to promote knowledge and cultural integration


How Easily Terrorist Can Become Famous

Terror means fear. In a world where both mainstream media and social networks can blow up any story in mere minutes, it’s fairly simple to terrify millions of people. In fact,


I fear Mearsheimer was right.

In 2005 I was a young student on an introduction to internal relations course. The first theory we studied was political realism. It was well formulated by John


Not the Milk and Honey You’ve Been Thinking of…

The Bible refers to the land of ancient Canaan as a land of milk and honey. It is indeed the case, but not quite the milk and honey you’ve been thinking of. A Western


Palestine – what’s the name’s origin?

It often happens in history that the name of a region changes through the course of time. For example, the “Land of Canaan” had gradually disappeared with the


For the Arabs of Gaza and their supporters

In these difficult times of war initiated by Gaza Arabs against the State of Israel, many in the West are rising to new levels of ignorance and brainwashing.


I fear Mearsheimer was right.

In 2005 I was a young student on an introduction to internal relations course. The first theory we studied was political realism. It was well formulated by John



Send us an email with any questions and we will happy to answer