
How Easily Terrorist Can Become Famous

Terror means fear. In a world where both mainstream media and social networks can blow up any story in mere minutes, it’s fairly simple to terrify millions of people. In fact, the stronger mainstream media becomes, the bigger effect does every act of terror have. ISIS terrorists quickly realized this and made sure to spread footages of their murders on every possible media channel. All it takes today is for some idiot with a knife, who’s planning on stabbing someone on the streets of Paris, London, or Jerusalem, to click the Like button on ISIS’ or Al-Qaeda’s webpage – and his stabbing would receive much more attention. Quite similar to associating a good brand with a horrible product. A terrible product.

Terror has existed since the dawn of history. Men try to terrorize others in numerous ways to promote their own interests. I would like to focus on Islamic terror that occasionally strikes the Western world. While Western countries normally ignore deadly and daily Islamic terror in Muslim or African countries, Western media is quick to scream out its reports on every terror attack in a Western country. Social media share video clips from crime scenes and millions are exposed to one terrorist or a small group of terrorists’ actions. It's astounding to think how Western people have grown accustomed to different calamities, such as: deadly car accidents that claim thousands of live every year, killings committed by murderers, brutal domestic violence, mass shootings in the States, and many other horrors and catastrophes. But terror? That’s a whole other league of attention.

I remember very well the panic that spread among the bus of tourists I had once guided through Golan Heights, when they had heard that two men were shot dead in Tel Aviv, and the media hurried to report it was a terror attack. Everyone started whispering around, and they’re smartphones started received texts from the US: “There’s shooting in Israel, get out of there,” “are you alright? We’ve heard terrorists were shooting people…” When ten minutes later people had received a formal announcement from the police that a criminal organization was behind the shooting, all the tourists sighed with relief. And I thought to myself – did the bullets that whistled through the air know that they wouldn’t be as interesting if they were shot by criminals rather than terrorists? Did it make the victims less dead? And if someone on the street would have been hit by a lost bullet – would it have mattered if a terrorist or a mobster pulled the trigger?

That is not to say that one must ignore terrorism. Not at all! Terror must be fought and eradicated in any way possible. However, I suggest taking another effective measure against terror, one that’s fairly easy to use – perspective. We must think for a moment about the risk in our lives and does terror triumph them all. The chances that we’ll get stabbed in the back by a terrorist are far slimmer than the chances that we might croak in a car accident.
However, our fear of terror overpowers our discretion, and sometimes, that concern eats at us and disturbs our lives, even though we drive on highways, navigating through car accidents all the time.

When I hear from my American friends, who live in a country where almost 20,000 people were murdered in 2021, that Israel is a dangerous place, I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. 9 people were murdered in terror attacks in 2021. Add to those 141 “normal” murders that took place in Israel in 2021, and you have 150 violent deaths (more than half of which were among the Arab minority in Israel). Roughly speaking, the chance of getting murdered in the States is 4 times greater than in Israel, with relation to the population. In short, my friends, put things in perspective! That’s right, terror is terrifying, but a car accident can kill a man or cripple him just like a terror attack. However, how many deadly car accidents will generate the same attention as one scumbag with a gun?

Perspective – go out on a walk. Live your life though terror still exists. That’s what all of us do despite car accidents, different calamities and catastrophes that happen from time to time. Don’t be quick to help every vile terrorist by hysterically sharing his deeds. Terror means fear. Don’t give into it. It isn’t that you shouldn’t be careful – don’t go looking for trouble – just get some perspective and be reasonable.



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